संवेदना केवल एक नाम नहीं बल्कि एक भावना है।
मां प्रकृति द्वारा प्रदान किए गए उन उपहारों के लिए जिनका मानव जाति वर्षों से अपने कर्मो द्वारा विनाश कर रही है।
हमारा प्रयास मां प्रकृति को पुन जीवित करना एवं आने वाली हमारी पीढ़ियों को मां प्रकृति द्वारा प्रदान किए गए उपहारों को उन्हें प्रदान करना है।
हम समाज को इस संस्था द्वारा प्रेरित कर रहे हैं कि हम पर्यावरण को कैसे बचा सके एवं हमारी आने वाली पीढ़ी को संसाधन कैसे प्रदान करें |
We all are the pillars and child of the nature. we wants to develop our surroundings as a live heaven.
हमारी माँ प्रकृति के साथ जीवित रहें।
Be alive with our mother nature.
Here are some essential safety tips to keep you and your upcoming generation. Save Natural resources, Energy, Plants and Animals.Start with a small step.
Read MoreWater is the basic necessity. it's our duty to provide upcoming generation excess amount of water to survive their life. That's why every single drop is countable.
Read MoreEducation is critical to the alleviation of poverty; it improves health and productivity, drives gender parity and promotes opportunities for upward mobility. It is the foundation of the nation’s socio-economic development and can be considered the most important investment for progress.
Read MoreOur programmes and projects work through building learning ecosystems that are inclusive, gender conscious, and safe for all. Our education initiatives work in accordance with the Right to Education Act (2009) and National Education Policy 2020.
Read MoreThe Right to Education Act in India was a major turning point for school education, it made education a fundamental right for children in the age group 6 to 14. The Act brought positive changes in the school education system which also benefitted girls.
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